Marriage Retreats in Monterey

Dr. Mark Schwartz - Formerly Director of The Masters & Johnson Institute
Lori Galperin, MSW - Co-founder Masters and Johnson Trauma & Addictions Programs

Renowned Co-therapists, Dr. Mark Schwartz & Lori Galperin MSW have
functioned as a co-therapy team for 27+ years during which they have lectured
to over 50,000 therapists. 
Dr. Schwartz & Ms. Galperin 
have a unique approach to
work with couples.

Intensive - A couple is seen for 3 hours daily by two co-therapists.

Privacy - The program does not involve contact with other couples unless requested.

State of the Art - The work combines behavioral change strategies, attachment-based therapies and deeper internal
individual work with both partners.
Blocks to intimacy are explored with each. The couples work is directive, with specific, focused 
"homework assignments" given daily. These assignments are designed to provide skills training and enhance capacities in areas such as:

* creating connection & attachment
* effective communication
* utilizing conflict constructively
* problem solving
* parenting
* time management
* sexual intimacy
* creating passion

Utilizing 3 hours of therapy a day allows for Intensive Outpatient 
Psychotherapy which is covered
by most insurance plans.

Setting - Natural beauty does not cure relational problems - but it certainly can provide an inspiring 
back-drop.  The Monterey Peninsula if Northern California -
Carmel, Monterey, Pebble Beach,
up to the redwood forests of Big Sur - provide some of the most 
stunningly beautiful geography in the continental U.S.
Stay in a beautiful resort, hike, golf, sail, see whales - while 
re-energizing your relationship.

Special rates have been established at local resorts.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

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